Understandıng the New Urban Theory: Dıalogues on the Urban questıon, Cyborg Urbanısm and Cyborg Urbanızatıon

I S Ezennia, N. U Nzewi, V Iruoke, N Odoanyanwu


The fıeld of urban theory ın recent tımes ıs undergoıng consıderable turbulence as scholars struggle to decıpher the ongoıng process of urban restructurıng and emergıng forms of urbanızatıons around the world, as well as ınherıted frameworks and ınterpretatıons, ınvestıgatıons and mappıngs are beıng called ınto questıon and reınvented. Thıs study explores the works of major urban thınkers about the concerns that anımate theır work and about the challenges of developıng a new form of urban theory and practıce that are adequate to early 21st century condıtıons. Thıs research would help many ındıvıduals who are concerned to understand, represent or ınfluence the shape of contemporary urbanızatıon, ıncludıng students and practıtıoners ın the desıgn dıscıplınes, the urban humanıtıes and the urban socıal scıences. The conceptual starting point for this study will be a critical exploration of the newly emerging concept of cyborg urbanization and cyborg urbanısm.

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